At the 15th ASOSAI Assembly, hosted by the State Audit Office of the Kingdom of Thailand, the ASOSAI chairmanship for 2021 - 2024 was handed over to SAI Thailand, and the Bangkok Declaration 2021, titled “SAIs and Preparing for the Next Normal,” was endorsed by the Assembly. The main chapters of the Bangkok Declaration follow the broad framework of the ASOSAI strategic plan 2022 - 2027, which shows the initiative of ASOSAI to focus on ASOSAI regional features and development needs, to actively get involved in the international public sector auditing community, to follow the international trend, and to cope with the ever-changing world.

Accordingly, SAI Thailand designed the Bangkok Declaration webinar series to explore the role of public sector auditing in promoting the Bangkok Declaration. These webinar series were held virtually three times under the following topics:
The 1st Webinar: The Role of Public Sector Auditing in Promoting the Future of
Good Governance: Insights from the Bangkok Declaration 2021;
The 2nd Webinar: Fostering a Green Economy and Disaster Preparedness through Supreme Audit Institutions: A Foresight Approach;
The 3rd Webinar: Leveraging Generative AI for Supreme Audit Institutions: Digital Transformation in the Post-Pandemic Era.

Moreover, to uphold the principles of good governance, sustainable development, technological advancement, and resilience in the face of future crises aligned with the Bangkok Declaration 2021, SAI Thailand convened an online webinar on the “Survey of implementation of the Bangkok Declaration 2021: Looking Forward to the Next Normal,” which shared the comprehensive survey of the Bangkok Declaration 2021 implementation, synthesizing feedback from 23 ASOSAI members to illuminate the multifaceted efforts.

These webinars aim to share knowledge, experience, and perspectives of ASOSAI members and other stakeholders who are interested in improving effective auditing practices about
the principles and guidelines outlined in the Bangkok Declaration, as well as practical insights on how SAIs can prepare for the post-pandemic, including a foresight approach. Please see further details in the Bangkok Declaration Webinar Series Summary Report.

Date 20 August 2024